Healing and processing after trauma
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health diagnosis that describes intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings that are related to experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event or period of time. These events may not have been properly processed at the time of the incident, which means that PTSD can last long after the event itself. Individuals may experience trauma without developing PTSD, or they may develop PTSD or CPTSD (Complex PTSD) regardless of how much time has passed since the trauma occurred. Either way, psychotherapy is recommended as soon as possible after the trauma occurs to prevent worsening of symptoms.
PTSD is most commonly identified by heightened mood or reactions disproportionate to the current environment or circumstance, recurrent anxiety or depression, or unshakable memories or bad dreams. With the help of a therapist, it is possible to process and connect to the traumatic event with a healing mindset that can reduce the symptoms of PTSD.